Earth Ladies Meet Gentlemen From Space. Part 2.

22 May 94

At the close of our last discussion we had a lady aboard a space craft. We will now continue.

From this room I was shown the control section where I was told our calls were received when we operated our device. Here they placed a call through to our telephone in St.Louis by adjusting a series of dials, and I was allowed to speak with Betty and tell her that I was with the Brothers. I was also shown a scope similar to a television screen, the only difference being this was at a slight elevation on the control counter, instead of standing up at eye level or in a box type cabinet which our television sets consist of. This scope could obviously reflect any particualr building or house that the space people desired to observe, and when I looked at the scope when Alna requested me to do so, I could see the inside areas of my home and could see my sister, mother and the children moving about. It was as though the entire roof ahd been removed and only the walls remained of the house. When I asked them how this was done, they explained that the first set of vibrations that left the roof were erased and the vibrations of the furniture and people inside were received on the scope, and therefore it appeared as though the instruments in the control seciton were actually looking through the building.

From this section we entered another much larger control section and I watched other uniformed men going about their work with much deftness and swiftness. I was told then that we were going to dine, and when we entered the dining area it appeared as a vast empty room. However, tables and chairs rose from the floor section, and I dined with them after humbly and repectfully listening to a prayer Alna said in the Universal Tongue.

The food consisted of three different types, and a drink similar to apricot nectar was enjoyed. There was little conversation during the meal, and when all had almost finished Alna told me I could witness a dance performed by two of the Space Brothers. This dance was most unusual and fast, during which the two men passed a small object from one to the other, sometimes throwing it in the air and catching it before it fell upon the floor. I expressed my thanks to Alna for allowing me to see this, and when we left the dining area we moved down the hall to what obviously was an entertainment room where the Brothers spent many relaxing hours. Many men were in the room, some sitting at tables and others playing a game similar to our Shuffleboard. I was asked if I would like to try the game, and after watching Alna I understood simply how it was done.

A round colored disc about four inches in diameter was placed on the floor in a particular square, and by mind power alone the disc was to move across the floor to another particular square. This section of the floor was electrically charged and receptive to the thought waves leaving a person's mind. Alna took a blue disc tht was handed to him and placed it on the floor causing it to move a considerable distance. Then I was handed a red disc and asked to try. I was doubtful if it would work for me, and the only thing I could think of was to silently command the disc to "Go.": I was amazed when the disc moved slowly up the floor, but quite some distance from that of Alna's. When I glanced at my watch and noticed it had stopped, it brought Alna's attention and he said for this time he felt I shoud not be held up longer from my other activities, and that a second trip would be longer. It was then that he took my watch and placed it in a small machine in the first control section and then set it for me, obtraining the proper time from a scope that contained many symbols and crossed lines on it.

Then with Zelas and Benen I returned to the craft receiving room and entered again a smaller craft with them. I do not know exactly what series of air locks the craft enter and leave the mother craft, but there was a large dark section upon the floor in the receiving room and as we entered the smaller craft to leave Zelas pointed it out and told me that was the area where the craft left. The trip back was quick and short, and as we drove back to St. Louis I recounted in my mind all the things I had seen. Being alone, I wanted to be able to tell anyone else as much as I could; however, we decided that we would not then tell everyone else of our experiences until we had enought information to relay to the public. Last year at Buck's Convention we were called upon to speak, but we were neither prepared nor expecting that we would be called upon for a speech. I did, however, say a few words and since that time we have delivered several lectures to various groups.

(JW I wonder if they are talking about Buck Nelson's Convention. He has been dead for a long time.)

Part 2.

Source Of Information: UFO UNIVERSE. SUMMER, 1994.

John Winston.

Original file name: 94.05.22 Earth Women 2